At present, I can only get this to work properly app, you can still use it in the browser but I can't promise it'll work.
An app for short live communication with a select group of friends.
Send the invite link provided at the bottom of your screen to add people to your communication group.
You will automatically receive the voice messages of everyone in the room if your audio isn't muted.
You can send a message to anyone in the room by holding the big red button or pressing "Start recording".
Note that this is an alpha release, it has bugs, if you believe the app is not behaving as expected, would like to request a feature, or to ask a question email:
Known issues:
-> Sometimes a notification is received but no audio is played, this issue can be "fixed" by the user by sending a bunch of messages and opening the app (if installed) or website a bunch of times. There is no way to solve this since it's a ""feature"" of phones & browsers to block the playing of audio randomly for small websites.
-> Sometimes the beginning of a recording will be missing when sent, a fix is in progress, ideally leave half a second of silence before you speak.
-> Sometimes a voice message is sent twice, this should happen very rarely and if you encounter this behavior please email: and tell me the circumstances under which it happened (make sure the app isn't opened in two separate tabs first)
Not Recording
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